Mérk Municipality

Name of beneficiary: Mérk Nagyközség Önkormányzata

Project title: drainage in the municipality of Mérk

Amount of aid contracted: HUF 139 883 500

Rate of aid (in %): 100%


Description of the project content

In the framework of this tender, the Municipality of Mérk Nagyközség has set the objective of building and improving the drainage system of the settlement.

The project will provide adequate stormwater and inland water drainage in areas of the municipality at risk of flooding. The development will ensure the drainage of rainwater from the area to prevent damage and return it to the ground.


The length of inland and stormwater protection facilities to be built is 4133 river metres. By ensuring adequate drainage, the deterioration of roads and paved surfaces will also be eliminated. The aim of the development is to reduce the risk of flooding to residential properties, protect roads, ensure an adequate level of stormwater drainage and gradually reconstruct the existing network. The investment will contribute to improving the environmental status of the municipality and reducing local water damage.


The Municipality of Mérk Nagyközség received a non-repayable EU grant of 100% under the Operational Programme for Spatial and Urban Development.


Project ID number: TOP-2.1.3-15-SB1-2016-00022

Project completion date: 30.04.2019.


Closing statement

Within the framework of this tender, the Municipality of Mérk Nagyközség has set the objective of building and improving the rainwater and inland water drainage system of the municipality. Within the framework of the project, the rainwater and inland water drainage system was built and improved in several streets in the municipality of Mérk.

The aim of the project is to ensure the safe drainage of rainwater and stormwater to prevent damage. The area affected by the development will be able to safely retain rainwater in increasingly extreme weather conditions. Stormwater and inland water protection facilities have been installed. By ensuring adequate drainage, the deterioration of roads and paved surfaces will also be eliminated. The aim of the development is to reduce the risk of flooding to residential properties, to protect roads and to provide adequate drainage of rainwater.

The investment will contribute to improving the environmental status of the municipality, reducing local water damage and making the municipality more liveable.

Under the Operational Programme for Spatial and Urban Development, the Municipality of Mérk received a non-reimbursable EU grant of 100 %.


Project ID number: TOP-2.1.3-15-SB1-2016-00022

Project title: 'Drainage in the Municipality of Mérk'

The amount of the contracted aid is HUF 139 883 500.

Project implementation period starting date: 01 August 2017.

The physical completion date of the project is scheduled for 30 September 2020.

The project was co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund with the support of the European Union.

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