We have been awarded a grant under the Hungarian Village Programme, MFP-ÖTU/2020, call for proposals for the construction/renovation of roads and bridges owned by the municipality - 2020
The Municipality of Mérk Nagyközség successfully applied for the Hungarian Village Programme au Municipality-owned road and bridge construction/renovation - 2020, MFP-ÖTU/2020, under which it received 17 378 125.-Ft non-refundable grant.
No tiling has been done since construction. The planned streets are largely
are worn out and in need of renovation. Our aim is to improve the transport infrastructure by rehabilitating the two poor quality roads, thus improving the accessibility of basic services and the townscape, thus contributing to the improvement of the quality of life of the population. Due to the high through traffic in our municipality, there is a great need to ensure the permanent passability of the roads and to preserve their condition.