- the electoral office
- name of the head: Tóthné Dr. Nagy Anita
- office address: 4352 Mérk Hunyadi utca 45., telephone number: 44/554-054, e-mail address: jegyzo@merk.hu
- address of its election information service: 4352 Mérk Hunyadi street 45, telephone number: 44/554-054, e-mail address: jegyzo@merk.hu
- the head of the election office
- the electoral commission
- the names and contact details of its members and alternates:
- Lászlóné Oláh IDC President 44/554-054
- Mrs Anita Nagyné Szakács Vice President of the HVB 44/554-054
- Attiláné Farkas HVB member 44/544-054
- Mrs János Kaluha Alternate member of the HVB 44/554-054
- Mrs István Vári Alternate HVB member 44/554-054
- expected date and detailed agenda of its meeting
- minutes of the meeting
- decisions (except personal data which are not in the public interest)
- the names and contact details of its members and alternates: