Mérk Municipality


Name of the beneficiary: Municipality of Mérk Nagyközség
The title of the project is: Connection of the Municipality of Mérk to the ASP Centre
The contracted grant amount: 7 000 000 Ft
Rate of aid (in %): 100%
The project identification number: KÖFOP-1.2.1-VEKOP-16-2017-00878
Completion of project implementation: 2018.06.30.


Presentation of the project content:

The aim of the Municipality of Mérk is to run an efficient public administration system. The development will support the implementation of the obligations of the Municipality under the Government Decree 257/2016 (VIII.31.) ASP.

Within the framework of the project, the following municipal ASP systems will be connected: document management system, municipal portal system, electronic administration portal system, management system, real estate cadastre system, municipal tax system, industrial and commercial system, inheritance inventory system.


The grant awarded can be used to purchase the equipment needed to operate the ASP system, to train staff and to cover the costs of services related to the implementation of other professional activities. Within the framework of the professional activities, the data quality of the municipal systems will be improved, migrated, the conditions for the electronic administration of municipalities will be created, operational development and regulatory frameworks will be developed, tested and sharpened.

The maximum amount of aid is 100 % of the total eligible costs. The amount awarded is HUF 7 000 000, of which HUF 3 150 000 is for the purchase of equipment and HUF 3 850 000 for other professional costs.


In the framework of the Operational Programme for the Development of Public Administration and Public Services, the Municipality of Mérk Nagyközközség received a non-reimbursable European Union grant of 100 %.

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